Sunday, September 13, 2009

The return of the architect

David returned from vacation this past week and wanted some changes. Some we like and other we didn't agree to.  He feels that the Seneca gravel is too dark to be able to get the floating effect of the tea house. Mark brought a sample of some off white gravel yesterday, but we felt it wasn't quite right. In fact, I think that while a lighter stone will contrast more with the base of the tea house, it will also allow you to see more clearly that the base does in fact touch the ground at the center. With the red gravel, the line between the tea house and the stone is someone blurred. And if you catch it in the early morning sun, you can get some light underneath. These photos were taken around 11 a.m. today, and there would be even more light below if they were taken a couple of hours earlier.

David also wanted the path to be less straight, so that it meanders through the bamboo (which will eventually fill in much of the space) as seen below. The stones will be set into the gravel this week.  
Henry replaced the broken glass on Friday. I will order some netting to go up on the left side to block any future golf ball attacks, which is my best guess as to the cause of the damage.

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