Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tea house video

Short video of a temporary cover being built for the teahouse.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The beams installed

The beams were installed Thanksgiving week while we were away. There was an immediate complaint from someone in the neigborhood about the project to the county, which took a day to resolve. The issue has to do with how close to of the columns are to the property line.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Unloading the steel beams

The steel beams were delivered the week before Thanksgiving. I have no idea how they got these off the truck and into the back yard. But it took them all day. If I could have taken the day off from work, I would have gotten a video of some of their labors.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The bridge to nowhere

Henry installed this dock. It was just a week before the election, so we
dubbed it "the bridge to no where". He is using it to unload the steel beams
and tea house parts from his truck.


Excavation of the footings began on October 14, 2008. The two large holes below are for the pedestal footings on the left side of the tea house. The smaller whole is for the center support that will also house the heat exchanger.

Once the concret for the footings was poured, forms for the pedestals were built.

The long trench is for the power supply for the heat pump and lights.

The long wait, part 2 (March 2007 - October 2008)

Once we cleared the bamboo from the back of the yard, we were ready for Henry to begin the excavation. However, he told us that he did not yet have his contractor's license, but that he would have it soon. We called or emailed him almost every month, but were unable to get things moving. The following emails give only a partial view of the frustrations of our attempts to restart the project:

March 28, 2007

It's probably a good time to get an update on the
teahouse. We need to get the construction contract
first, provided there hasn't been any problem with
your getting a license. Do let us know if there is any
complication with that.

I got a great deal of the debris cleared in back of
the hose last weekend, and will be able to finish
everything else this coming weekend. So we would like
to schedule a time to meet.


April 11, 2007


It's been about 8 weeks since our last meeting, at
which time you expressed confidence that foundation
work would begin in late March (weather permitting).
It would be best if you let us know where things are,
and whether there has been some unexpected
developments that have caused a delay. Hope to hear
from you soon.

Andy and Sara

May 17, 2007

Andy / Sara,

We have been side tracked with a couple of crusher deadlines.

Next week we will be back on track to move the t-house project into the install phase.

I will send you a short list of items as a warm-up to mobilizing the install.



Henry Kawa

May 24, 2007


I expected to hear from you this week about getting
the tea house moving. Let's meet up to deal with the
contract etc so we can get things going.



June 11 2007


Please do let us know if there are going to be further
significant delays with the project. I hope you
realize that we were expecting you to send us
something a couple of weeks ago, but have since heard
nothing. It is much better if we can find out in
advance if we need to wait much longer, rather than
continuing with the current uncertainty in the

We will be out of the country from July 2-16th, and
obviously won't be available for anything requiring
logistics here at the house during that time. We will
also be away for shorter trips June 9-12 and 17-18.



July 31, 2007


As we discussed yesterday:

1. here is the action list to the completion of the job. Please review and call w questions.

2. we will string line layout the back yard later this week. please review & confirm it looks right to you.

3. we continue to knock off the items for the in shop checklist: we are currently finishing the bronze exterior & the mahogany interior.

4. we need to discuss some of the add on items ( maple ceiling, painting the superstructure, etc.) I will get a list together & email.

5. we will sit down to formalize contract part 2 (for onsite work) as soon as all our paperwork is in place.



January 8, 2008


We are rather disappointed that you have not sent us the contract as you promised. You agreed with us at the last meeting that the contract should be ready at the beginning of 2008. We want to set up a meeting any day this week or next Monday to get the contract reviewed and signed. It will not do you or us any good if the project drags on and issues are unsolved like what happened since our last payment.

We certainly learned our painful lessons on the complications of the two part contract approach you and David lead us to. We totally believed that it was only for the license issue you had at the time, now we are not sure if it was actually for a room to increase the final price of the project. We agreed and signed a contract with extra 10% fee to compensate the budget estimate uncertainty at your end, It is unfair to change the things in the middle.

At this point we just want things to get finished up, as I'm sure you do also. Let's have a meeting with a contract on the table and get it signed. We'd like you to respond to this email and let us know what your plans are.

Andy and Sara
January 28, 2008


I am getting final and confirmed numbers for the install phase of the project.

I met with the electrician and reviewed the requirements for the T-house in the shop.

We need to schedule a site visit and look at the electrical panel (inside the house) to confirm how the tie in the existing will work.

Please email me times that would work for you this week or next, so we can arrange a site visit.


Henry Kawa


June 30, 2008

Henry and David,

It's been 6 months since the date we were promised a contract to complete
the Tea House project. I am truly astounded that you chose to ignore the project for so long with absolutely no explaination.

I am dissapointed with both of you both professionally and personally. I can't understand how you would treat a client in this manner. We have always responded to all of your requests for input and for payment promptly. We are at the point of giving up on you, and concluding that you have abandoned the project.

At this point, I am not interested in any explanations or promises for when you plan to complete the work. I am only interested in a getting a SIGNED contract to complete the installation.


June 30, 2008


The project has been disassembled and made ready for the install phase.

There are some critical coordination issues which I will email you about.

I am out of town until July 7.

Will send you the contract then.


August 31, 2008


What is wrong with you.

Why do you send us an email saying that you will send the completed contract in one day, and then let two months go by without a word.
What do I need to do to make you understand how unhappy we are with you, and how painful this whole mess has become. Please don't do this any longer.

It has been our concern from the very beginning that you would stop the work in the middle. I even told you and David of this concern. Your response was that you wouldn't do it, because you wouldn't have the space at your workshop to store the teahouse. This is obviously not the case.

Do I need to come there every day and remind you to finish the project? What is it going to take?

And David, you need to take some responsibility for this. When we asked about finding an alternate contractor for the project, you only gave us the choice of working with Henry, since he had put so much time into it. So please make some time for this project, and help us to get it back on track. Obviously, sending another email to Henry or calling him is not going to be enough.

We need a complete contract, signed by Henry, and a start date.



September 2, 2008


Yes I have been told before that there are many things wrong with me.

We have had our hands full with projects that have admittedly preempted yours.

They are nearly complete.

I would hope to complete your project this fall.

I will send a more detailed email later today.



Henry Kawa

October 1, 2008

Henry and David,

Well, another month has passed. And once again I'm writing to express my complete dismay that you continue to refuse to work further on the teahouse project. This is in spite of your repeated statements that you believe you can get started soon. You've been saying this for 1 1/2 years now!!! I'm sure you must realize that this cannot go on indefinitely.

I don't want anymore statements about when you think you can do it. It needs to get restarted now. All we are asking for is that you finish the project as agreed. If you don't plan to finish the project in the near future (this year), then it is better if you come out and say so.

David you really do have some responsibility here, not only because you are overseeing the construction as part of the contract you have with us. I don't want to hear anymore that it is out of your hands. I think you both know very well that it is morally wrong to hold a project up like this.



October 2, 2008

I continue to be as shocked as you that the TeaHouse is not installed and I'm truly sorry that this process with Henry has been horrific. Of course I feel like I have a responsibility to you since I recommended Henry to perform the work. I have begged, screamed, and written unpleasant notes to Henry over the last year in an effort to prod him to completion. You are more than aware of the results. I did talk to Henry again this morning and thought you and I should discuss that call. Let me know if you have time to talk this morning and I can call you.


October 14, 2008


I duplicated the key for the basement door.

I put a key thru your keyslot.

I have a copy of the key, as does Alberto.

We have started to clear the wall from the door to the electric panel, and will complete that tomorrow, in anticipation of running the electric line from the panel.

Foundation excavation proceeding, I have arranged for the engineer to inspect the holes on Friday 10/17.

I ordered a porta john which will be delivered tomorrow.

We cleared brush for the heat pump pad.

We will continue on the holes and the electric trench tomorrow.

