Friday, October 3, 2008

Getting the Estimate

Getting the estimate took a couple of months, and we finally heard from David in October of 2004:
hope this finds both of you well.
I am sorry it has taken so long to get information from RKI to get back to you regarding the teahouse but I think we are finally getting somewhere.
When I met with Henry last week he thought that after some in depth pricing he would be able to put the project together for between 95k to 115k. This would use the bronze exterior framing and mahogany interiors that we have developed on the Glenbrook project as the glazing. Henry would build most of the project in his Rockville shop this winter and install it next spring as well. I know we were shooting for 100k or less so I think we are at least in a position to meet with him to discuss pushing to the next level.
Let me know what you think and some good times to meet to discuss where we are, heading, etc., and have you meet him.


It was a bit over budget, but we liked the design. For this kind of money and the timing he was suggesting, we needed to move fast to get a loan for the project.

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